Infant Baptism (infants and children under the age of seven) is the normative way to begin the initiation of children into the Church.
The information below is to help families prepare for the Sacrament of Baptism. You may contact us at [email protected] or 512.328.3220, ext. 142 after you have read the information below and filled out the intake form
1. Register: The family must be registered members of St. John Neumann Church and attending Sunday Mass here regularly and/or live in our Parish boundaries. You may go to this link below to register as a parishioner.
Register as a Parishioner
2. Baptism Intake Form and Documents Required: Please fill out the baptism intake form and someone from the church office will contact you to discuss the next steps in baptizing your child. The following documents must be received before a date for the Baptism can be scheduled:
3. Baptism Preparation Information: Completion of a baptism instructional class is required for both parents and godparents. Attendance will be waived if a class has been completed within the last 2 years. A certificate or letter of completion is required for parents/godparents if they have attended class elsewhere.
At St. John Neumann, we offer a free baptism preparation retreat for all Catholics and their godparents (sponsors). The retreats are held from 9:00AM-12:00PM on the third Saturday of January, March, May, July, September, and November. An exception would be if a holiday or a church event falls on that day; then it would be rescheduled to another Saturday. Registration is required by midnight on the Wednesday prior to the desired Saturday class to allow adequate preparation time for the retreat. We require a minimum number of attendees for the retreat to take place. Please make sure all attendees sign in individually so we may have a record of attendance for all individuals. There is no fee for the class.
Please note the baptism class is for adults and nursing children only. Out of respect for the other attendants and Deacons, please make outside arrangements for babysitting for older children.
4. Scheduling: Baptisms at St John Neumann are available on the 2nd and 4th Saturday of every month, usually at 10:00AM. The number of children to be baptized at those times is limited to three. The dates are first come, first served. If inquiring about a Private Baptism, please refer to our Private Baptism Guidelines and Policies.
5. Godparents: Each Godparent will be required to complete and sign a Baptism Sponsor (Godparent) Covenant Form that has been provided by SJN and the Diocese of Austin. This document must be returned to the parish office prior to scheduling the Baptism.
6. Fees: There is no fee for the Sacrament of Baptism; however, it is customary to offer the Clergy a monetary gift stipend or make a donation to the church; the amount is at your discretion. If given in a check form, please make it payable to the Clergy or to the church, whichever is your preference.
Only one godparent is required for Baptism, however, it is customary for a child to have two godparents. If the child is to have two godparents, one must be male and the other female. In addition to completion of the Baptism Preparation Retreat (or other baptism preparation class), the godparent/s (sponsor/s) must:
If you have someone who you would like to participate in the baptism of your child but is not of the Catholic faith or a Catholic who does not meet the requirements, that person may serve as a Witness and would not have to take a Baptism Prepartion class or complete or sign the Baptism Sponsor (Godparent) Covenant Form.
If you, or someone you know, is seeking Baptism as an Adult in the Catholic Church please contact the Director of Adult Faith Formation, at 512.328.3220, ext. 117 or email her at [email protected] for further information on how this might become a reality. Preparation for Baptism as an adult is a more involved process that usually takes a year or more. We call this program Becoming Catholic - and we will be more than happy to walk with you through the process.
Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit and the door which gives access to the other Sacraments.