We are excited to extend an invitation to become involved in the life of our parish. At St. John Neumann, we believe that an engaged community is the heart of our Catholic family, and we welcome you with open arms.
We offer many enriching opportunities for you to contribute your talents and strengthen the bonds within our parish. Whether you have a passion for music, a desire to serve, a love for studying the Word of God, or a willingness to mentor and guide our youth there’s a place for you here. Below are some ways you may get involved at SJN!
MOYC Home Page
Motherhood is a journey we are not meant to walk alone. The MOYC Fellowship Group provides support to share wisdom, build friendships and offer needed help to fellow moms, all under the guidance of our Catholic faith.
We have fellowship meetings every other week, in addition to occasional mom’s night outs and playdate meetups.
MOYC Meeting dates are every other Monday through mid-May in St. Timothy Room 9:30-11:00 AM. Upcoming dates are: January 23rd, February: 6th, 20th,
March 6th, 20th, April 3rd, 17th, May 1st, 15th.
If you have any questions please email [email protected]
Alpha Home Page
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Typically run over eleven weeks, each session looks at a different question around faith, and the talks are designed to create conversation in small groups afterward.
Contact: Director of Social Outreach
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 118
Email: [email protected]
Knights Home Page
A fraternal organization for men 18 years old and up who focus on spirituality, service, and fellowship.
Contact: Charles Porter, Grand Knight
Phone: 512-784-5038
Email: [email protected]
Brothers in Christ Homepage
Men’s fellowship, breakfast, coffee, and spiritual growth. Join us Wednesday mornings during the school year from 6:00-7:30 AM in the St. Timothy Room. You may think it’s too early, but trust and pray to the Holy Spirit, and He will help you awaken. We would love to see you there; come when you can!
Contact: Director of Adult Faith Formation
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 117
Email: [email protected]
Encore Home Page
For parishioners age 50 and older to meet and help each other forge new friendships as they pray and learn together at a monthly mass and luncheon. There is also a Writing Group that meets on the first Tuesday of the month.
Contact: Director of Adult Faith Formation
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 117
Email: [email protected]
John 10:10 Home Page
Spiritual, social and service activities for Catholics 18 to 40 (both married and single) who are interested in entering more deeply into a relationship with Christ through fellowship and formation. Whether you're newly graduated, a married couple, or have young parents, we look forward to welcoming you to our community.
Contact: Director of Adult Faith Formation
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 117
Email: [email protected] or [email protected]
Raise parish-wide awareness and educate on life issues according to Church teaching!
We organize new life-affirming activities to fill needs as identified by the parish.
Email: Contact: Claire Bordelon
Phone: [email protected]
Email: 512 656 1562
Social Justice Homepage
We inform parishioners about the social justice needs in our local and larger world communities. Helps understand concrete ways and means by which those needs can be met and advocate for change.
Contact: Director of Social Outreach
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 118
Email: [email protected]
SVDP Home Page
Seek to serve those in need with time, talent, and treasure, while also striving for personal spiritual growth. Following in the footsteps of patron St. Vincent de Paul, Vincentians go on “home visits” to meet with families and respond to spiritual and material needs. Supports parishes of Delores, St. Julia, San Juan Diego, and San Francisco as well as those living with their mothers at St. Louise House and Posada Esperanza.
Contact: Kevin Dwyer
Email: [email protected]
We work to provide compassionate, practical, life-affirming alternatives to abortion. The Center provides free, confidential, and non-judgmental assistance to men and women in crisis pregnancies. It also provides assistance throughout the pregnancy and for the first 12 months.
Contact: Rick Ebert
Email: [email protected]
Responding to Jesus’ call in Matthew’s Gospel to visit the imprisoned, the Kairos Prison Ministry team coordinates weekend retreats for inmates at Texas prisons. The retreats are designed to bring the love of Jesus Christ to our brothers and sisters behind bars.
Contact: Wayne Radwanski
Phone: 512.327.6126
Email: [email protected]
Unite themselves closely to Jesus and to the Blessed Mother by serving the poorest of the poor. Following in the footsteps of founders St. Teresa of Calcutta and Fr. Sebastian Vazhakala, M.C., the order seeks to quench the thirst of Jesus on the Cross for the love of souls. Members pray together in Eucharistic Adoration and evangelize by serving.
Contact: Stephanie Nelson
Phone: 512.730.3920
Email: [email protected]
We provide food, clothing, dignity, and much more to our homeless brothers and sisters in need. Volunteer opportunities for all ages abound, ranging from cooking eggs, prayer card artistry, food prep, food delivery, special events, and street retreats, to helping at Community First.
Contact: Director of Social Outreach
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 118
Email: [email protected]
The Threads of Hope Ministry is a group of dedicated volunteers at Saint John Neumann who come together to provide handcrafted products designed to give comfort & hope, security, warmth, and support to needy children of God. Organized in June of 2017, Threads of Hope has provided hundreds of weighted blankets for foster care children as well as blankets, scarves, and backpacks for the homeless.
For more information, email: [email protected] or see facebook.com/TOHSJN/
The Mustard seed men is a faith-based group of men parishioners who help create transportation opportunities for participants in need with bad or no credit by partnering with them to help secure a reliable used vehicle.
Contact: Director of Social Outreach
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 118
Email: [email protected]
Are you naturally outgoing? Our greeters’ welcome parishioners and visitors as they arrive to make them feel part of our community. They guide newcomers. They also assist the elderly at the 9AM and 11:00AM Mass. Personal trainings are available anytime.
Contact: Director of Liturgy
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
Do you love weddings? St John Neumann is looking for a few people who would be interested in becoming a wedding liaison. The liaison will help prepare the bride and groom at the rehearsal and on the day of the wedding.
Contact: Sacraments Coordinator
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 142
Email: [email protected]
Do you have a green thumb and enjoy making beautiful art? Do you want to help beautify our church for the Lord and the enjoyment of our parishioners? Our Flower Guild prepares our flower arrangements for Sunday worship and at special occasions like funerals and weddings. Preparations usually occur Thursday-Saturday, but the schedule has some flexibility.
Contact: Liturgy Director
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
We assist the assembly during the Mass with a greeting, seating, offertory collection, and answering questions. Overall, ushers help guide parishioners during mass. One-on-one trainings are available anytime. Must be 16 years old to serve.
Contact: Director of Liturgy
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
Altar Server Homepage
This is a great ministry for youth to serve the Lord, learn more about their faith, develop new relationships, stay “active” during the mass, earn community service hours, and serve with other family members. We have an optional 18-lesson training program for those who want to learn more than how to serve at Sunday mass with five levels of achievement for servers.
The ministry is open to boys and girls who are entering/in the fourth grade up to their senior year of high school, have made their first communion, and are registered parishioners. Newcomers must come to one basic altar server training offered every three months except during
the summer. They serve once a month or more often if desired.
Contact: Director of Liturgy
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
We help lead Communion Services or distribute Communion to Catholic residents at retirement centers who are unable to attend our parish liturgies. Volunteers serve once a week or as desired. We assist with bringing Holy Communion to the parish’s homebound, ill, or hospitalized parishioners on an as-needed basis. Open to adults who are 18 years and older and confirmed.
Contact: Director of Liturgy
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, or Eucharistic Adoration, is a time of prayer and worship before Christ is present in the consecrated host, which is exposed in a monstrance or ciborium. It occurs on Wednesdays between 9:30AM and 7:00PM in the chapel. In order to sustain this beautiful opportunity for worship, a minimum of two adorers must be present at all times, as the Blessed Sacrament cannot be left unattended. This is accomplished by a core group of volunteers who commit to a designated hour shift every week, either permanently or temporarily.
Contact: Director of Liturgy
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
Do you have a love of the Eucharist? Then consider becoming an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion to distribute Communion during Mass. You must be 16 years old, confirmed, and be a Catholic in good standing.
Contact: Director of Liturgy
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
Serve the Lord, his Church, and his people by leading the congregation in worship and song at the Sunday 9:00AM, 11:00AM, and 5:00PM Masses. The 9:00AM and 11:00AM Masses have traditional music. The 5:00PM Sunday Mass is blended music. Open to singers and instrumentalists of high school age and above.
Contact: Director of Music
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 166
Email: [email protected]
We help care for the linens used for the sacred liturgy. Activities include washing and ironing purificators and corporals, and folding towels used for Mass. Linens are picked up and returned on a regular schedule. Volunteers usually serve every 6 weeks and must be registered parishioners.
Contact: Director of Liturgy
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
Becoming Catholic Homepage
Adults who are interested in knowing more about Catholicism on their spiritual journey are invited to join our group. Our community will explore the faith and how to grow in your relationship with Jesus. Through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – RCIA – you can receive the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation, Confirmation, and Eucharist.
Contact: Director of Adult Faith Formation
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 117
Email: [email protected]
RCIA Homepage
Volunteer to walk with adults as they prepare to receive the Sacraments of Initiation through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – RCIA. Opportunities include sponsors, hospitality, and catechists for Sunday morning meetings.
Contact: Director of Adult Faith Formation
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 117
Email: [email protected]
Adult Faith Studies Homepage
Scripture studies, book groups, and retreats provide ongoing faith formation to adults in our parish community. Bible studies and the history of our faith are features of these events.
Contact: Director of Adult Faith Formation
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 117
Email: [email protected]
ALPHA Homepage
Alpha is a series of sessions exploring the basics of the Christian faith. Typically run over eleven weeks, each session looks at a different question around faith, and the talks are designed to create conversation in small groups afterward.
Contact: Director of Social Outreach
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 118
Email: [email protected]
Join a small group of Catholic couples to grow in faith together. Not only will you develop deep friendships with other couples, but you will also grow in faith with your spouse and strengthen your marriage. Groups are composed of couples in a similar stages of life and meet 1-2 times per month to discuss a book or program about marriage or another spiritual topic.
Contact: Director of Adult Faith Formation
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 117
Email: [email protected]
Meet with newly engaged couples to guide them through the marriage prep requirements of the church. You will work through a workbook with the couple, meeting in your homes 4-5 times over the course of a few months.
Contact: Sacraments Coordinator
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 142
Email: [email protected]
We pray for Priests, Deacons, all consecrated religious, and the community of St. John Neumann. We meet weekly to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy and help plan activities for Divine Mercy Sunday.
Contact: Liturgy Director
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 107
Email: [email protected]
Children's Formation Homepage
Our mission is to lead families closer to Jesus Christ. We work toward this mission by engaging and partnering with families, offering families spiritual opportunities to encounter Jesus Christ, and empowering and supporting families to participate more fully in the Catholic Church. We offer different faith formation options so families may choose what works best for them. (Peer Group, Life Group, or Home Based) We invite you to join our community and explore your faith.
Volunteer as a Catechist– With a co-catechist, present the beliefs, teachings, and practices of our Catholic Faith to a small group of children
Volunteer as a Faith Friend – Work one-on-one in the classroom with a child who has special needs.
Volunteer as an Office Angel – Help with the prep work for children’s ministry activities (Make copies, sort, cut, etc…)
Even if you don’t volunteer for one of the above specific roles, everyone in our parish has the opportunity to minister to our children – by giving a smile, sharing an encouraging word, offering words of gratitude for the young ministers at mass, etc.
Contact: Director of Children’s Ministry
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 126
Email: [email protected]
Middle School Youth Ministry (6th - 12th grade)
There are a variety of ways you can serve the middle schoolers of our parish!
Click HERE for more information on ways you can help!!
Contact: Middle School Youth Minister,
at 512.328.3220 ext. 132
Phone: 512.328.3220 ext. 132
There are a variety of ways you can serve the teens of our parish!
Click HERE for more information on ways you can help!!
Contact: High School Youth Minister,
at 512.328.3220 ext. 110