The purpose of our Online Parent Ministry is to support and guide parents in nurturing the spiritual, moral, and emotional development of their children, in alignment with the teachings of the Catholic faith.
Through meaningful discussions, educational resources, and a supportive community, we aim to empower parents to cultivate strong Catholic values within their families and to create a loving environment where faith can flourish!
Every Tuesday, an email is sent home to all parents of our Middle School and High School teens. The email will include that week's materials, including the theme of the week, links to articles, videos, and much more to help you know more about your teen's world. There will also be offerings so you can deepen your own faith formation!
In case you missed an email or you're just joining us now, you can click the button above to access the archive of all the previously sent Online Parent Ministry emails. Please note: The original OPM emails are sent through our Flocknote email system. The emails posted in the Archive are in a simplified Word document version.
One permanent feature of our Online Parent Ministry is the "Family Experiences." Click on whatever grade your teen is in. You will find a few downloads including a page called "the Development Guide" that details all the physical, spiritual, and social changes your teen will experience at that particular age. The other pages will help you plan that year's "Family Experience."
The "Family Experience" is a type of Rite of Passage to celebrate that year of their life. As Americans, we don't really have "Rites of Passage." Getting a license might be about as close as we get... What about celebrating becoming 13? Or learning about appreciating your family tree? Learning about money and budgeting? A blessing for their life? Take a look below for details!