We are excited to continue our mission of keeping the St. John Neumann community informed about the wonderful energy emanating from our Gallup survey last October. As you know, the parish held several focus groups to review survey results and help discern the priorities and actionable items for our community, particularly around the undertaking of Growing an Engaged Church (Albert Winseman, author).
In this issue, we share the work of the One Big Thing focus group team. This team came together around a specific item that the survey results identified as an opportunity: Helping parishioners understand what is expected of them and what they can expect from the parish. And, here at St. John Neumann, what are expectations but a foundation for believing that good things will happen. As Hebrews 11:1 tells us “…faith is the substance of things hoped for…”
So, the One Big Thing team has us off to a great starting point which they have defined as “Spiritual Expectations”. Father Dean and the Parish Leadership Team invite us to consider how these Spiritual Expectations might encourage our community through Worship, Growth, Service and connections. These Spiritual Expectations can be found on the St. John Neumann website using the button below. A Big Thanks to the One Big Thing Team: Cne' Monahon, Laura Hughes, Bobbi Dangerfield, Jonathan Latta, Jerry Phillips.
In the next issue, look for updates on those “Church Chats” referenced in our first issue. Learn who is participating, what’s being discussed, and what our community can learn from those conversations.
Until next time….
May God continue to bless you,
Your Beacon Team
Pat Flathouse
Kevin Dwyer
Jaymes Gregory Curran
Grace Everett
Karen May
Catherine McGuinness